"We are seeing sea critters move on a whole new time scale."
Capturing Ocean Life in Ultra Slow-Motion Video
What are currently doing on Mission 31? Here's a behind-the-scenes video diary of some of our work. We are using cutting edge technology to view ocean life like never before. We need to be fully saturated to capture these images at this depth because of the length of time required for set-up and filming in the ocean. Living at the same atmospheric pressure as the surrounding sea is a huge advantage that allows us to spend unlimited time working in the ocean. So, the research we're doing this month would take months or even years to accomplish with surface dives. That's one reason Mission 31 is so important and unique.
Science Day & Night in Aquarius
Read more at:
- The Underwater World Through Doc Edgerton's Eye's about this amazing camera and its capabilities.
- Edgertronic High-Speed Camera Testing: In May at MIT, I was working both on exams and the Edgertronic testing for Mission 31 at the same time!